Jobs in Kharkov is the largest regional website in Ukraine for job search and recruitment. Screen Interactive developed the site and continues to improve it.
Now, our team has developed the mobile application for the Jobs in Kharkov website to make it more comfortable for smartphone users to search for information about vacancies and applicants.
Jobs in Kharkov is the first official mobile application in Ukraine created for the job search and recruitment website.
The app is available for Android and iOS devices.
Jobs in Kharkov, mobile app for the job search website

The technologies we used for development are:
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User interface for mobile app: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript: jQuery and jQuery Mobile
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Server-side: PHP and MySQL
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Data exchange between the app and the server-side: JSON API
Jobs in Kharkov app. Vacancies list

Similar to the main website, the app has two user roles, Employer and Applicant. Functionality of the application differs for employers and applicants.
New users can create a profile on the Jobs in Kharkov website, using the mobile app.
Unregistered users have limited access to the app functionality. They can only browse vacancies and view information about the leading employers.
Applicant’s interface
The following functionality becomes available for users after authorization:
Vacancy search. Applicants can browse through job ads in categories or use a search tool. Users can search vacancies by category, subcategory, region, and keywords.
Jobs in Kharkov app. Vacancy search, choosing region and category

Detailed jobs descriptions. Applicants may view detailed descriptions of vacancies right from the smartphone’s screen.
Jobs in Kharkov app. Search results (on the left) and detailed job description (on the right)

Apply for a job. Applicants can choose one of their CVs and send it to the employer along with a cover letter.
Jobs in Kharkov app. Apply for a job by choosing on of your CVs

Subscription. Users can save the search criteria they use and subscribe for new vacancies. Every day they’ll receive an email about new jobs that fit their search criteria. Users can create new subscriptions as well as manage the existing ones.
Favorites. If users like particular job openings, they can save them to Favorites. That means there’s no need to look for these vacancies in the main list again.
Jobs in Kharkov app. Vacancy subcriptions (on the left), favorite vacancies (on the right)

VIP companies. In this section, users can browse the list of leading Kharkov employers. Each company has a personal page with its detailed information and the list of available jobs.
Jobs in Kharkov app. The list of leading employers and company’s personal page

Messages. We added an internal messaging system to the app to allow users to communicate with each other. The applicant sends the CV to an employer as a message. The employer can respond to the message and continue to communicate with this applicant. The application stores the history of all written communication in the Messages section in the app and on the website.
Jobs in Kharkov. Dialogs and messages

Push notifications. Each time a user gets a new message sent from the app or from the Jobs in Kharkov website, the app informs him by sending a push notification to his phone.
Registered users, who have subscribed for vacancies, regularly receive push notifications about new job ads on the website.
Employer’s interface
All the app’s features for employers are available only after authorization. Mostly, the features they get are similar to the functionality the applicants have. However, functionality for employers concentrates on the candidates’ search.
The employers can:
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Search for applicants’ CVs, view the contacts and detailed information about the applicants
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Add interesting CVs to Favorites
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Subscribe for new applicants’ CVs, manage subscriptions, and receive notifications about new CVs
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Invite appropriate applicants to apply for a particular job
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Create new jobs, edit and delete existing ones in the “My jobs” section of employer's profile
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Communicate with candidates via an internal messaging system
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Browse through the list of leading recruiting agencies (instead of leading employers)
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Use message templates to notify certain applicants about a job opening. When employers inform a particular applicant of a job opening, they can use preexisting templates to create an accompanying message and send it.
Jobs in Kharkov app. CV categories list (on the left), candidate's CV page (on the right)

Additional features
Available for both applicants and employers.
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Registration and authorization for users
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The ability to edit main profile settings (login, password, name, contact details)
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Google Analytics tools for mobile devices are set up in the app
We also created a convenient interface for tablets to make the Jobs in Kharkov app available to a wider audience.
Jobs in Kharkov app. CV categories list (on the left), candidate's CV page (on the right)
Jobs in Kharkov is an easy and convenient tool to search for relevant information about employers, available jobs, and data about candidates.
Are you planning to build a mobile application and looking for a reliable team of developers? Let's get acquainted! Call us +38 (057) 758-66-36 or leave a request through our contact form.