Kayaking down the Vorskla river
Sunny days of summer, enormous heat, daily work, and the only freshness to feel is an air conditioner in the office…
The bright idea struck our minds: there is nothing better for successful team building than the joint recreation. So, we grabbed our sleeping bags and good mood and went kayaking down the Vorskla river.
Our 45 km rout began in Buymerivka (Sumy district) and ended in Kotelva (Poltava district). Those were marvelous three days of fun and rest. Watch the video and share our emotions!
Slowly drifting downstream, we enjoyed the spectacular views of river landscapes. Along the way, we arranged water games and competed in rowing.
In the evening, we rested together near the fire and played the charades. It’s kind of tricky to guess what the player is showing in almost complete darkness :)
And we just couldn’t miss cheerful photo sessions on the river bank and creating picturesque paddle installations.
Without a doubt, Screen Interactive is the united and mega cool team :)
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